Transforming the Council


We have identified that to enable the scale of change required to achieve our strategic objectives, a Council-wide transformation programme was needed. This is our opportunity to fundamentally change what we do and how we do it for the benefit of our residents.

The three-year Council-wide programme is transforming key services and operations to better meet the needs of residents, reduce operating costs and enable the Council to be financially sustainable.

The three drivers for this programme are:

  • Local residents’ and elected members demands for consistent and improved services
  • Financial (MTFS)
  • External (central government)

This transformation programme will:

  • Support the Council in addressing the critical and immediate challenges, including developing a balanced budget based on robust business cases
  • Incorporate specific programmes aimed at reducing demand and improving outcomes, thereby ensuring we can operate within available resources and protect investments in key services
  • Enable the development of new service models to support working differently with our residents and partners, embedding a focus on prevention and promoting independence
  • Be underpinned by a new and agreed change strategy and programme for the Council, with clarity of the resources required, and which acknowledges the demands of maintaining ‘business as usual’ requirements
  • Through effective change management, engagement, communications, prioritisation and the delivery of quick wins, give the Council (members, commissioners, officers and partners) the confidence that the transformation programme will deliver the outcomes required
  • Through a skills transfer plan, has enabled the Council to recruit essential core capacity and competencies to successfully deliver the approved transformation programme



Liverpool’s residents and communities deserve to be served by a council they trust and know is well-run. The Cabinet has set a high bar in terms of their level of professionalism. We are working with staff and the trade unions to transform how we work to deliver their priorities as set out in the Council Plan.